Vector Icon Integration

In an ever-evolving Internet being viewed by more and more devices with different dimensions, pixel-ratios, and resolutions, its important to stay on top of the next phase. – Yes, we’re looking at you, Apple Retina display.

No longer can we afford to be throwing little images throughout our site without regards to these different factors. This is why the creation of Fontawesome and implementing vectorized icons with CSS3 @font-face is such a revolution. We’re proud to implement Fontawesome into the core of the Theme Blvd WordPress theme framework.

As a result, you can select from the following icons and use them throughout your site freely at any size or color, and feel confident they’ll look great on any device.

Icon Reference

Web Application Icons

adjust asterisk ban-circle bar-chart barcode
beaker bell bolt book bookmark
bookmark-empty briefcase bullhorn calendar camera
camera-retro certificate check check-empty cloud
cog cogs comment comment-alt comments
comments-alt credit-card dashboard download download-alt
edit envelope envelope-alt exclamation-sign external-link
eye-close eye-open facetime-video film filter
fire flag folder-close folder-open gift
glass globe group hdd headphones
heart heart-empty home inbox info-sign
key leaf legal lemon lock
unlock magic magnet map-marker minus
minus-sign money move music off
ok ok-circle ok-sign pencil picture
plane plus plus-sign print pushpin
qrcode question-sign random refresh remove
remove-circle remove-sign reorder resize-horizontal resize-vertical
retweet road rss screenshot search
share share-alt shopping-cart signal signin
signout sitemap sort sort-down sort-up
star star-empty star-half tag tags
tasks thumbs-down thumbs-up time tint
trash trophy truck umbrella upload
upload-alt user user-md volume-off volume-down
volume-up warning-sign wrench zoom-in zoom-out

Text Editor Icons

file cut copy paste save
undo repeat paper-clip text-height text-width
align-left align-center align-right align-justify indent-left
indent-right font bold italic strikethrough
underline link columns table th-large
th th-list list list-ol list-ul

Directional Icons

arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up chevron-down
circle-arrow-down circle-arrow-left circle-arrow-right circle-arrow-up chevron-left
caret-down caret-left caret-right caret-up chevron-right
hand-down hand-left hand-right hand-up chevron-up

Video Player Icons

play-circle play pause step-backward fast-backward
backward forward fast-forward step-forward eject
fullscreen resize-full resize-small

Social Icons

phone phone-sign facebook facebook-sign twitter
twitter-sign github github-sign linkedin linkedin-sign
pinterest pinterest-sign google-plus google-plus-sign sign-blank