Last month we welcomed nearly 250 families back to rehearsals! I’ve loved connecting with so many choir families, new and returning, every afternoon. Through these conversations, I’ve heard many success stories about individual choristers: a Vivissimi student who has gained a lot of confidence in her voice the past year; a new Piccolini chorister who loves to sing her new songs on the car ride home; a Prime Voci singer who is determined to audition for a solo this season despite nerves, and so much more. At SGC, we work to provide our choristers with a high quality music education and a place to belong. Stories like these assure me that we are on the right track!

We know that productive learning can’t happen unless students feel safe and supported, so much of September was spent creating positive learning environments in each choir level. From our youngest Piccolini to our oldest Prime Voci, choristers were introduced to expectations and routines for their choir in an age-appropriate way. They played get-to-know you games, learned each other’s names, made fun music together right away, and learned about SGC’s five expectations: Show up for each other, be prepared, be mindful & kind, respect one another, and work hard to have fun! (More about these expectations can be found in our Member Handbook).
Here’s a quick look into what each choir level is practicing in rehearsal this month:
Piccolini with Ms. Miriam and Ms. I | Pitch matching, call and response singing, learning simple folk songs, introduce to solfege pitches sol and mi |
Dolcine with Ms. I | Exploring head versus chest voice, tracking place in the sheet music, keeping a steady beat, in tune unison singing, practice the major scale on solfege |
Vivissimi with Ms. C’Strannè | Improving clarity and strength of head voice, practicing the major scale on solfege, introduction to two-part harmony, starting work on basic rhythms (quarter note, eighth notes, quarter rest) |
Entrata with Ms. Miriam | Singing major scale on solfege, practicing Curwen hand signs, getting comfortable with reading the music on solfege for the first time, aural dictation of simple folk songs, starting to work on basic rhythms (quarter note, eighth notes, quarter rest) |
Allegra with Ms. Sarra | Working on Readings and Carols music, strengthening head voice and tall vowels through vocal exercises, learning to write solfege into the sheet music, sight-singing simple diatonic melodies on solfege, practicing basic rhythmic dictation |
Cantamus with Mr. Gagiu | Working on Readings and Carols music, practicing singing out with supported sound, getting comfortable singing different voice parts and ranges, sight-singing in two-parts, reviewing major and minor key signatures |
Prime Voci with Sarra | Practicing music for Carmina Angelorum and Nutcracker performances, sight-singing in 3-part harmony, reviewing major and minor key signatures, practicing major, minor, and perfect interval written identification, ear-training that includes interval and triad identification |
Sorella with Lauren | Working on 1-2 on a part unaccompanied singing with a focus on intonation, practicing supported, quality tone at varying dynamic levels, learning to work together in a small, collaborative setting |

Looking forward to a fantastic season ahead!
With my thanks,

Sarra S. Doyle
Artistic Director
Seattle Girls Choir