Inspiring Others: A Class of 2024 Senior Essay

Frances Alls

  • Hillside Student Community School, Class of 2024
  • Post-graduation plans: Attending Southern Oregon University studying Theater 

This isn’t going to start the way you think it might; for a long time, I did not want to be in choir. For three years, I begged my parents on every drive to the choir center to let me quit. I whined about the time commitment, I whined about practicing, and I whined about the uniforms. I firmly believe now though, that my life would be drastically different if I had not stayed. Somewhere in my sophomore year, a shift occurred. I became inspired, I was motivated, I belonged, I was excited to sing.

There are far too many people whose work and opportunities made me love singing again for me to thank in this one essay. However, I would like to acknowledge the impact that our 2022 tour had on me, and the inspiration that Sarra has provided for me as an artist. 

There was plenty of excitement and anticipation in the months leading up to our 2022 tour, but the reality far exceeded my expectations. Our first concert in The Czech Republic made it all click. In the front row of the small church where we were singing, a young girl was watching… listening. This was her first choir concert, and I fully recognized in watching her that someone might experience inspiration, joy, and even beautiful sorrow from music that we had poured our efforts, our hearts, and our souls into. And then there is Sarra, who has inspired me with her pure love for music. The amazing thing about Sarra is you can feel how happy she is to be singing, making me feel even more excited to sing to match her joy.

Seattle Girls Choir is an institution like no other. I have found myself here, and I know others have as well. Looking back, it’s ironic to remember how I begged my parents to let me quit – because now only I wish I could stay longer.