Seattle Girls Choir is proud to collaborate with other arts organizations in the Pacific Northwest. Here are a few recent performances in which we’ve joined forces with others to enrich the cultural landscape.

Pacific Northwest Ballet presents “The Nutcracker”

In 2023, SGC’s Prime Voci choristers sang the Waltz of the Snowflakes during a few of PNB’s highly anticipated Nutcracker performances. PNB had not used live vocalists in a few years, and we were honored to join the PNB Orchestra in the pit!

Seattle Pro Musica

Prime Voci joined Seattle Pro Musica‘s Chroma in performing music by Eric Tuan, getting a chance to work with the composer beforehand. Watch our performances on Seattle Pro Musica’s YouTube channel.


In this interdisciplinary collaboration, Sorella joined vocal ensembles Radiance and Outpour, as well as the Guild Dance Company. In addition to performing a set on its own, Sorella joined the other ensembles in a performance of POMPEII by Bastille.

Byrd Ensemble

Every December, Allegra and Cantamus are joined by the Byrd Ensemble in our presentation of Lessons and Carols. For many of our choristers, this is their first time working and performing with professional vocalists!