Tuition may be paid by the season, semester, or in monthly installments. Invoices are sent via email. Payments should be mailed to the choir office at PO Box 22388, Seattle, WA 98122-0388. Conductors do not accept payments as they do not come to the choir office location.
Other options for payment include using the Intuit Payment Network link found embedded in the emailed invoice, by PayPal, monthly automatic payments set up through the choir office, or by setting SGC up as a recipient of monthly Bill Pay checks through your bank.
Additional Costs
Additional costs associated with participation in SGC include:
- A one time, refundable, uniform deposit of $75
- Concert tickets
- Festival or Tour costs (Prime Voci and Cantamus)
- Offsite retreats for intensive rehearsals
Financial Aid
SGC offers Financial Aid to families needing assistance with tuition fees. We are committed to helping ensure choristers that want a choral education have every opportunity to participate. To apply for Financial Aid email the office, [email protected], for instructions and the form. Aid must be submitted annually. The review process is conducted in a confidential manner.
Tuition does not cover the full operational costs of running the choir. Throughout the year there will be additional opportunities to support the choir through charitable contributions, and families are encouraged to participate in these efforts and events where possible.