
Regular and prompt attendance at all rehearsals and performances is vital for the Choir to function as a unit and is expected of each chorister. While there are some things that can (and should) be worked on individually at home, there is simply no substitute for regular rehearsal attendance.

  • Punctual arrival for all regular rehearsals and performances is expected.
  • Regular attendance is expected at all rehearsals and all performances for all choirs. But, please keep your singer home if they are sick, and inform your conductor. Any other absences due to scheduling conflicts must be reported in advance by notifying your conductor. Too many absences may prevent a chorister from being able to participate in a concert.
  • Technical rehearsals are mandatory, and any absences may prohibit a chorister from participating in a performance.
  • Attendance is taken at all rehearsals and performances.
  • For choirs that meet once a week, more than three absences per semester may result in a meeting to clarify expectations.
  • For choirs that meet twice a week, more than four absences in the first semester or five in the second may result in a meeting to clarify expectations.
  • If a rehearsal is canceled due to weather, we will email everyone. In general, we follow the Seattle Public Schools. If in doubt, call the office or check the website.

Please email [email protected] with any rehearsal absence notifications. Director’s EMs found on Contact page of website.