Choir Levels (archive)

Seattle Girls Choir has six progressive levels of instruction for girls in Kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as our training choir Entrata and our contemporary choir Sorella.  Each choir season’s rehearsals run congruent to the school year, September through June.

For Allegra, Cantamus, and Prime Voci our resident choir camp is an integral part of the curriculum and is held the first week of August each summer.

We have a rich tradition of traveling which includes workshops, festivals, conventions, competitions, and performance tours both domestic and international.  Participating in these opportunities is an important part of the choir’s education.



  • Primarily for choristers in Kindergarten and 1st grade
  • No auditions required
  • Two sections: one that meets on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:00, and one that meets on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30. September – June.
  • 1-2 informal recitals per season
  • Appearance in Spring all choir concert
  • To learn more about this choir level click here


  • Primarily for choristers in 2nd and 3rd grade
  • Auditioned in from Piccolini or directly from outside
  • Choristers typically stay 1-2 years to master foundation skills
  • Starting in the Fall of 2023, we will offer two sections of Dolcine, one that meets on Mondays and the other on Tuesdays, both from 4:15-6:00. September – June
  • 3-4 performances per season
  • Photo of Dolcine


  • Primarily for choristers promoted from Dolcine or Entrata
  • Meets on Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30, September – June
  • 3-4 performances per season
  • Photo of Vivissimi 


  • Choristers in 4th-6th grades
  • Auditioned in as first season choristers with SGC
  • Typically just one season then promoted to appropriate skill level
  • Meets on Thursdays from 4:15-6:15, September-June
  • 3-4 performances per season
  • Photo of Entrata


  • Primarily for choristers age 10 and older
  • Choristers typically stay in Allegra for 2 years and are promoted in from Vivissimi and Entrata
  • Meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45-6:45, September-June
  • Resident choir camp first week of August required
  • 4-5 performances per season
  • Photo of Allegra


  • Comprised of choristers mostly in middle school and high school
  • Choristers typically stay in Cantamus for 2 years
  • Meets on Mondays from 4:30-7:30 and Wednesdays 4:30-6:30
  • Resident choir camp first week of August required
  • 4-5 performances per season
  • May have opportunity to participate in local and domestic festivals
  • Photo of Cantamus 

Prime Voci

  • This advanced choir is for auditioned choristers primarily in high school
  • Choristers stay in this level until high school graduation
  • Meets on Mondays from 4:30-7:30 and Wednesdays 4:30-6:30
  • Resident choir camp first week of August required
  • 5 or more performances per season
  • Opportunities to partner with other local arts organizations
  • Tours domestically and internationally every 2-3 years
  • Photo of Prime Voci


  • This advanced choir is for auditioned choristers primarily in high school
  • Meets on Wednesdays from 6:45-9:00 PM
  • 4 or more performances per season
  • Opportunities to partner with other local arts organizations
  • Performs pop, folk, and contemporary styles, with a focus on independent ensemble singing.